Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What If I Told You...

What if I told you that almost all organized religions are false and are more interested in controlling you than helping you find truth? The cake is a lie. 

What if I told you that the science is proving more and more every day that reality is subjective and your experience here on this imaginary rock is directly linked to your belief structures and therefore the most critical aspect of life is being judicious with what you choose to belive?

What if I told you some of the most useful tools to grow spiritually have been vilified and demonized in order to suppress their truth and keep you controlled and suppressed?

That if I told you that you must accept that your religion is a mythology no more or less valid than one from 200, 2000 or 20,000 years ago but that it's ok? The important thing is that your beliefs give you a framework to interact with our reality.

What if I told you that most of the major religions today are deliberately designed to seperate you from the experience of spirit and the truth of spiritual growth?

What if I told you the only thing that matters are the beliefs you choose to embrace, your awareness, freeing yourself from doubt, judgment, pre-concieved notions and the most important part of growth is recognizing those belief structures within yourself and changing them?

What if I told you your duty is to learn to love yourself as you love your brothers and if you can do that you can't help but find truth?

What if I told you Thou Art God and once you truly understand that statement the secrets of the universe will unlock for you and the only thing stopping you is you.

Would you believe? Could you believe? Do you have the courage to see that truth?

Merddyn - And I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Aliens And Gold And Ormus, Oh My....

Ok,.... I just had a giant mug of coffee and a shot of ormus so i'm gonna be all over the place for a few minutes, but this is something i've been pondering for a long time.... I'm going to try and put it into a cohesive form here for the first time. There is a LOT i'm leaving out here... a LOT, just hitting the highlights to communicate the gist of the theory i'm pondering. 

WHAT IF.... 

They really ARE after me lucky charms?!! 

The Anunnaki:
I have been very interested in the work of Zecharia Sitchen for years. For those of you who don't know he was an archaeologist who focused primarily on the Sumerian culture. The primary thrust of his work proposed an ancient astronaut theory based on an ancient alien culture called the Anunnaki who he believed was a war-like highly advanced alien race who lived on a planet named Nibiru. The planet is supposedly on an extreme elliptical orbit that takes it way out of our normal range and then brings it back every 3000 years or so. This is all extrapolated from studying Sumerian artifacts, culture and myth. What the Sumerians called "gods" were supposedly these aliens. There's lots of other fun stuff here like Nephilim being the offspring of these aliens and human women. Apparently they liked getting their freak on with human females. 

It should also be noted that I believe that these are likely the same entities that are documented in the movie The 4th Kind. The entity speaking at the end of the movie is even speaking in Sumerian and refers to himself as "our gods." 

The Gold:
So, according to Sitchen, these Anunnaki were raiding other planets for resources, especially earth. Their technology required gold and apparently a lot of it. Sitchen theorized that it was to pulverize the gold and put it into their atmosphere to help them with with the long elliptical orbits in space, I have another theory but we'll get into that momentarily. 

So they needed the gold, but these lazy bitches didn't want to do the manual work to mine it... SO, they used their advanced technology to cross native earth species with their own and essentially created Man as a slave labor force for mining. There's a LOT of other stuff Sitchen says (and backs up with evidence) about the Anunnaki, but it's not relevant for the moment. 

Ormus is thought to be the platinum group elements in a new state of matter or at least in mono-atomic or small clusters of atoms. One of the primary elements is gold. Indeed you can take pure gold and MAKE ormus

Ormus also has strong biblical ties and goes back at LEAST to ancient Egypt. If it goes back that for I'm going to guess it was something that likely survived from Summer as well. Sumerian culture is the oldest culture we know about. It's literally the seat of civilization. 

There's some pretty compelling links between what's called Manna in the bible to the powdered form of Ormus. David Hudson gets into this stuff in his research. I certainly don't agree with everything Hudson has to say, but so long as you don't throw the baby out with the bath water you'll see some remarkable similarities between modern ormus and biblical manna AND what the Egyptians called the Semen of the Gods which they made into something called the Bread of Life, essentially an ormus cake. 

Gold is almost useless to ancient man other than as a decoration. In modern technology it's only useful for it's electromagnetic properties. I suspect it's those same electro-magnetic properties that produce the same effects once ingested. It's fairly apparent that the Egyptians made ormus in large quantities and it was controlled by the priesthood. Large quantities have been found in temples. Sitchen assumed that we valued gold after the anunnaki left on their last rotation because it was the anunnaki valued, but what if we valued it for the same reason they did? 

What if the Annunaki weren't after the gold for the reason Sitchen thought? What if they were eating it? Given it's benefits I wonder if that wasn't what they were really using it for and why they needed it. Since were were heavily based on their genetic structure according to Sitchen's work then it makes sense that the effects it has on us is likely very similar to the effects it had on them. In fact, it may have been MUCH more potent for them. 

And it's VERY potent for us. I just had a friend of mine completely cure himself of a very serious illness using ormus. If t's that potent for us... what in the hell did it do for them? 

What if they WERE after our lucky charms? 


If you are interested in trying ormus for yourself I make it available for purchase through Blue Rose Alchemy. If you want to make it yourself check out the blog post on that site here

Merddyn - And I took the one less traveled by And that has made all the difference